Fox Files | Fox News.2/40 Hazel Street, Como WA Australia, Free Property Report -

Fox Files | Fox News.2/40 Hazel Street, Como WA Australia, Free Property Report -

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3/40 hazel st como free


Looking to buy a similar property in the area? View other three bedroom properties for sale in Como or see other recently sold properties in Como. Nearby schools data on reiwa. Whilst REIWA has full confidence in the information contained in this data, no warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied is given.

Persons or companies who pursue real estate investment or otherwise based on this data do so at their own risk. This data is accurate as at December The distance from this property to nearby schools is calculated in a straight line, and does not take into account school catchment zones. Please contact the schools directly for more information. Como is an established suburb bound to the west by the Canning and Swan Rivers.

Part of the City of South Perth's municipality, Como experienced its most significant development during the s and s, with gradual growth since the early s as new dwellings were added to the area. Parks and reserves are a dominant aspect of the Como landscape, such as one of Como's most notable features the international standard 27 hole Collier Park Golf Course. There are also some shops in the area to service local requirements, as well as four local schools, including Penrhos College.

The results generated by this calculator are 3/40 hazel st como free an indication of your borrowing power and have not taken into account factors that would be crack adobe audition free in a loan 3/40 hazel st como free credit assessment. It must not be used by the agent for any other marketing purposes. For more information on how we жмите сюда and use посетить страницу источник personal information, please view our privacy statement.

Unlike other websites, reiwa. We will send you immediate alerts for price changes and other updates to this property. You can manage frequency of these alerts from your Saved properties page. Too many search terms. Your search has been limited to the first 30 3/40 hazel st como free entered. Save property. Sold: 26 Oct Photos Floor plan 1. Video 0. Superbly located on one of Como Beach's most desirable streets, within walking distance to the Preston Street entertainment precinct, Ernest Johnson oval, a plethora of public transport options and the river, this enchanting European inspired townhome will surprise and delight you.

Read more. Property snapshot by reiwa. Property features. Air conditioned. Garages 2. Floor area m 2. Show more 1. Nearby schools. Como Primary School Primary Government. Collier Primary School Primary Government. Penrhos College Combined Non-government. Wesley College Combined Non-government.

Como Secondary College Secondary Government. Curtin Primary School Primary Government. Kensington Secondary School Secondary Specialist. Kensington Primary School Primary Government. Show more. Manning Primary School Primary Government. Canning College Secondary Government. Clontarf Aboriginal College Secondary Non-government.

Aquinas College Combined Non-government. Carson Street School Combined Specialist. Como quick stats. Low end. Annual growth. Get to know Como. Life in Como Parks привожу ссылку reserves are a dominant aspect of the Como 3/40 hazel st como free, such as one of Como's most notable features the international standard 27 hole Collier Park Golf 3/40 hazel st como free.

Mortgage calculator. Loan term 25 years 30 years. Repayment frequency Monthly Fortnightly Weekly. Repayment type Principal and interest Interest only. Your approximate repayments would be. Disclaimer The results generated by this calculator are not an indication 3/40 hazel st como free your borrowing power and 3/40 hazel st como free not taken into account factors that would be considered in a loan application credit assessment.

James Thompson. I am interested in:. Price guide. Property size. Home open times. Contract of sale. Similar properties. About me:. I own my home. I am a first home buyer.

I am renting. I am an investor. I have recently sold. I am monitoring the market. Thanks for your enquiry, Name. 3/40 hazel st como free enquiry has been sent to James at Bourkes. Please check the required details and try again. Listing number: autodesk autocad 2018 free trial Property FAQs. Who can I contact for more information? You can contact the agent here. What is the median price in Como?

What are the average selling days in Como? The average number of selling days in Como is 44 days. Other properties by Bourkes.

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