Windows server 2016 standard update to datacenter free. Upgrade and conversion options for Windows Server

Windows server 2016 standard update to datacenter free. Upgrade and conversion options for Windows Server

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  The evaluation version of Windows Server Standard can be converted to the retail version of either the Standard or Datacenter editions of Windows Server, whereas the evaluation version of Windows Server Datacenter can only be converted to the retail version Windows Server Windows server 2016 standard update to datacenter free. Group VMs together. The process of upgrading or converting installations of Windows Server might vary greatly depending on which version and edition you have installed, how it is licensed, and the pathway you take. This article helps explain what the options are to help with your planning.    


Windows server 2016 standard update to datacenter free


Select Keep personal files and apps to choose to do an in-place upgrade, and then select Next. After Setup analyzes your device, it will prompt you to proceed with your upgrade by selecting Install.

The in-place upgrade starts, showing you the Upgrading Windows screen with its progress. After the upgrade finishes, your server will restart. After your upgrade completes, you must make sure the upgrade to Windows Server was successful. Make sure all of your applications are running and that your client connections to the applications are successful.

Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. If the server is running an evaluation version of Windows Server Standard edition or Windows Server Datacenter edition, you can convert it to a retail version as follows:. From an elevated command prompt or PowerShell session, run the following command to save the Microsoft Software License Terms for Windows Server, which you can then review:.

Determine the current edition name by running the command below. The output is an abbreviated form of the edition name, for example Windows Server Datacenter edition is ServerDatacenter :. Verify which editions the current installation can be converted to by running the command below.

The evaluation version of Windows Server Standard can be converted to the retail version of either the Standard or Datacenter editions of Windows Server, whereas the evaluation version of Windows Server Datacenter can only be converted to the retail version Windows Server Datacenter:. Make note of the target edition name you want to convert to, and enter this and your retail product key in the command below.

You can convert from the evaluation version of Windows Server Standard to the retail version of Windows Server Datacenter in one step by using the appropriate product key and edition ID. For more information about Dism. If the server is an Active Directory domain controller, you cannot convert it to a retail version.

In this case, install an additional domain controller on a server that runs a retail version, migrate any FSMO roles held, and remove Active Directory Domain Services AD DS from the domain controller that runs on the evaluation version. If the server is running Windows Server Essentials, you can convert it to the full retail version by entering a retail, volume license, or OEM key by launching an elevated command prompt and entering it as part of the following command:.

You can also run setup. If you run setup. Determine that Windows Server Standard is the current edition name by running the command below. The output is an abbreviated form of the edition name, for example Windows Server Standard edition is ServerStandard :. Verify that Windows Server Datacenter is a valid option to convert to by running the following command:.

At any time after installing Windows Server, you can freely convert between a retail license, a volume-licensed license, or an OEM license. The edition Standard or Datacenter remains the same during this conversion.

If you are starting with an evaluation version, convert it to the retail version first , then you can convert between the versions.

To do this, run the following command from an elevated command prompt, including providing your volume-license, retail, or OEM product key:. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info.


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